The journey you don’t want to take…finding your way and healing your spirit

Posted on March 23, 2023 by Rev. Pam Reidy under grief, loss, mourning, Miles Funeral Home
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The grief journey is one trip none of us wants to take and all of us must. Loss is a part of everyday life. The loss doesn’t always involve a death, but inevitably it will.  Working daily with death, we at Miles Funeral Home endeavor to keep in mind that when people seek our services, they are usually experiencing one of the worst days of their lives. Maybe they have experienced the death of a loved one before, or perhaps it is their first experience losing someone close to them, whichever the case, the death of a loved one leads everyone to the rugged path of mourning a loss.

The grief journey is an emotional one, and can leave people confused, angry, exhausted, fearful, and sometimes very lonely. These common feelings are part of learning to live without our departed beloved. Although these emotions are experienced when other events happen to us, they are especially challenging when they accompany death because death is permanent and cannot be fixed, the hard reality is that we must learn to live with the new normal – life without them.

There is no best way to grieve a loss, and no single approach for coping with the intensity of emotions inherent in grief.  There are numerous worthy theories that illustrate how to navigate the grief journey. It isn’t a one size fits all process, and each person must discover what works for them. With a multitude of available resources including support groups, books, videos, and seminars, it can be challenging to figure out where to start or how to remain on the path.

Mile’s offers a seminar series called Sharing Hope: Finding Your Way and Healing Your Spirit.  At these seminars we strive to:

  • Create a safe and peaceful space to feel and understand death loss.
  • Teach current perspectives, attitudes, and opinions found in grief work.
  • Present and provide access to healing resources.
  • Provide a place for grievers to connect with others taking the same journey.

This Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. Miles will present the first of its four 2023 seminars. The topic is general death loss and will highlight the common feelings and struggle of grief, with special attention given to the concept of selecting a grief companion for the journey. Each person in attendance will receive a copy of Alan Wolfelt’s book, The Handbook for Companioning the Mourner: Eleven Essential Principles. This book includes an explanation of true empathy, exploring the ways companionship eases grief.

Register for the March 25th Seminar By Clicking on the Sharing hope Logo 

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